What Causes Shingles?
Shingles is caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV). The VZV is a member of the herpes family of viruses. The virus can cause shingles in people of any age, but it is most common in adults over 50 years old.
The virus attacks the nerve cells in your skin and spinal cord. This can cause inflammation and pain, which may lead to shingles lesions.
Symptoms typically develop one to four weeks after you become infected with VZV. They may include fever, headache, muscle aches/pain, rash all over your body (especially on your face), itchiness/scratching sensations, and blisters that open and drain pus.
What Causes Shingles on Face?
Shingles on the face and eyes is caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV).
Shingles on face occur when the virus affects facial nerves. Shingles can only be acquired if you have previously had chickenpox. Treatment involves applying a topical cream to the affected area and taking pain medication as prescribed by a healthcare provider. Early treatment of shingles can prevent long-term complications such as blindness or deafness.
The virus that causes shingles is spread through contact with saliva or blood from an infected person. Symptoms usually develop two to three weeks after exposure, and they include fever, headache, rash all over your body, and pain in your chest or back.
There is no cure for shingles, but there are treatments available to help reduce the severity of the symptoms.
If you experience any of these symptoms after being exposed to VZV, see a doctor immediately:
- severe pain in one area of your body;
- high temperature (over 38°C);
- severe headache;
- severe neck stiffness;
- shortness of breath;
- rapid heart rate;
- confusion or hallucinations.
Treating Shingles on Face
Concealing the Rash
The best way to conceal a shingles rash on the face is to keep the area clean and dry, and to avoid using makeup or anything else that could irritate the skin. If the rash is still oozing fluid, it is important to cover it with loose clothing or a non-sticky dressing. Once the rash has dried out, you can treat it with medication.
Some people choose to use make-up to conceal their rash because it is easy to apply and it looks natural. Coverings for the skin, such as bandages or wrappers, can also be used to cover the rash. Medications can help relieve pain and inflammation, and they may also reduce the number of outbreaks that occur.
Complications of Shingles on Face
Complications of shingles on the face can include pain, redness, and swelling.
If you experience any of these complications, call your doctor right away. They may require treatment with antibiotics or other medications to help relieve your symptoms.
Shingles can cause a number of complications, depending on the area of the face that is affected. The most common complication of Shingles on the Face is severe nerve pain that lasts for several months or more. Other potential complications include:
- Permanent eye damage or blindness
- Loss of hearing
- Encephalitis
- Facial paralysis
- Secondary bacterial infection
- Scarring
- Death
What are the Early Symptoms of Shingles?
If you have shingles, your nervous system will start to react to the virus. This can cause a range of symptoms, including aching pain and fever.
Early symptoms of shingles include headache, fever, and sensitivity to light. A few days after the early symptoms appear, a rash will develop in a small area on one side of the body. The rash will eventually turn into fluid-filled blisters that break open and scab over. Shingles can be very painful, and the pain can last for weeks or even months after the rash has healed.
It’s important to get checked out by a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms because they could be signs that you have shingles or another serious condition.
Ophthalmic Shingles
Ophthalmic shingles is a rare but serious condition caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV). About 1 out of every 100 people will develop ophthalmic shingles after getting chickenpox as an adult. This occurs most often in people over 50 years old or those who have weak immune systems due to illness or advanced age, cancer treatment, or corticosteroid use (such as asthma).
The virus attacks skin cells near your eyes and spreads through contact with saliva or mucus from blisters on your skin (ocular herpes simplex [OHS] may also spread this way).
The blisters may form anywhere on your face—including around your nose and mouth—but are commonly seen on one side of the face. The blisters rupture and release fluid, which may cause pain, redness, and blistering.
Ophthalmic shingles is a serious condition that requires prompt treatment with antibiotics and antiviral medication. Without treatment, the rash can spread to other parts of your body (such as your brain or lungs) and can be very painful. In some cases, ophthalmic shingles may lead to blindness in one or both eyes.
Symptoms can include a rash over your forehead, nose and around your eye, conjunctivitis, a red eye and problems with vision.
Eye Problems
If one of your eyes is affected by shingles (ophthalmic shingles), there is a risk that you could develop further problems in the affected eye, such as:
- ulceration (sores) and permanent scarring of the surface of your eye (cornea),
- inflammation of the eye and optic nerve (the nerve that transmits signals from the eye to the brain),
- glaucoma, and
- vision loss
Shingles Symptoms: Before the Rash
Some people may experience symptoms of shingles before the rash appears, including a headache, burning or tingling sensation on the skin, feeling unwell, and a high temperature. However, a high temperature is not always present.
Symptoms typically last for two to four weeks. The pain associated with shingles typically worsens as the rash develops and then improves as it heals.
Other Symptoms of Shingles
The main symptom of shingles is pain, followed by a rash that develops into itchy blisters. The rash normally starts as fluid-filled blisters or lesions. The lesions eventually burst, ooze and crust over before the scabs fall off after a few days. New blisters may appear for up to a week, but a few days after appearing they become yellowish in color, flatten and dry out. Scabs then form where the blisters were, which may leave some slight scarring.
The pain may be a constant, dull or burning sensation and its intensity can vary from mild to severe. In some cases, shingles may cause early symptoms that develop a few days before the rash first appears. Shingles usually affects a specific area on one side of the body and doesn’t cross over the midline of the body. Any part of your body can be affected, including your face and eyes. The chest and abdomen (tummy) are the most common areas for shingles to occur.
How Eye Shingles are Treated
The first step in treating shingles is to see your doctor as soon as possible. Early treatment with antiviral medications can help shorten the duration of the illness and may also help reduce the severity of symptoms. You may also be prescribed painkillers to help relieve the pain associated with shingles. In some cases, you may need to be hospitalized for treatment.
Once you are released from the hospital, there are several things you can do at home to ease your discomfort. Applying cool compresses to the affected area can help soothe the pain and itching associated with shingles. You should also avoid scratching or touching the blisters as this can increase your risk for infection.
Eye drops may also be prescribed to help ease the pain and discomfort of eye shingles. It is important to continue to follow up with your doctor during your recovery to ensure that the infection is healing properly.
Treatment: Antiviral Medication
If you develop shingles on your face, it is important to seek treatment within 72 hours of the rash appearing. Antiviral medication will help reduce the severity of the outbreak and make it disappear more quickly.
Famciclovir and valacyclovir are two antiviral drugs that may be prescribed, depending on a person’s individual immune system. In some cases, oral drugs such as opioids or creams applied directly to the skin may be necessary. People who develop postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) as a complication of shingles may require pain medication.
Treatment: Rash Relief
To treat a shingles rash and relieve symptoms, wash the area with water and a bar of mild soap. Apply cool, wet compresses to the blisters several times a day to ease pain and itching. Oatmeal baths also can bring relief. Keep the rash covered at all times.
Home Care for Shingles
Here are a few tips to treat shingles at home.
- Use cool compresses: Applying cool, wet compresses to the affected area can help relieve pain and itching.
- Take painkillers: If your doctor prescribes them, take painkillers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help ease the pain.
- Use eye drops: If your eyes are affected by shingles, using artificial tears or other eye drops may help soothe the tissues.
- Remain in touch with your doctor: Even if you’re feeling better, it’s important to stay in touch with your doctor as you heal. Shingles can sometimes lead to serious complications, so it’s important to monitor your condition and get medical care if necessary.
What are the Complications of Shingles?
There are a number of complications that can occur from shingles, including post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN), which is a type of chronic pain after the rash has healed; neuritis, which is inflammation in the nerves near your spinal cord; and epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EB), a rare condition where blistering skin occurs on any part of the body due to damage to the skin’s protective barrier.
Early treatment of shingles may prevent PHN. Pain relievers and steroid drugs may be used to treat the pain and inflammation. Other treatments include antiviral drugs, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and topical agents. Shingles can lead to blindness. Shingles can also cause tissue death and scarring.
It is important to seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms associated with shingles, as it may be an early sign of more serious complications. Treatment for shingles typically involves antibiotics and pain relief medication.
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
Ramsay Hunt syndrome is a skin condition that causes red, itchy patches on the face. The symptoms can be very uncomfortable and can make everyday activities difficult. Ramsay Hunt syndrome is caused by an infection in the upper layers of the skin (the epidermis).
The most common cause of Ramsay Hunt syndrome is herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), but other viruses can also cause it. HSV-1 often attacks people during their teenage years or early twenties, when they’re most vulnerable to getting sick.
There are treatments available for Ramsay Hunt syndrome, including antiviral medications and topical creams. If you experience any symptoms of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, don’t hesitate to seek medical attention.
Ramsay Hunt syndrome is a condition that causes shingles on the face. Shingles is a herpes zoster infection that can cause Ramsay Hunt syndrome. Ramsay Hunt syndrome can cause permanent facial paralysis or hearing loss. There is no cure for Ramsay Hunt syndrome, but there are treatments available.
Ramsay Hunt syndrome is most common in people over 50 years old. The condition is a complication that can occur if shingles affects certain nerves in your head. Symptoms of Ramsay Hunt syndrome can include earache, hearing loss, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, rash around the ear, loss of taste, and paralysis of the face.
Treatment for Ramsay Hunt syndrome usually includes antiviral medication, corticosteroids, and painkilling medication. However, if treatment is delayed, only about half of those treated will make a full recovery. Those who don’t recover fully may be left with permanent problems such as facial paralysis or hearing loss.
How Can Shingles Be Prevented?
The best way to prevent shingles is to get the vaccine. The vaccine is most effective in people over the age of 60. Kids are unlikely to be seriously affected by shingles, but vaccination can help improve their immunity. Covering the rash with a topical cream or ointment can help protect it from spreading.
Avoiding contact with the rash is also important. Wash your hands often to prevent the spread of the infection. Finally, it is important to avoid contact with certain groups of people before the rash crusts over.
What Should You Do If You Have Shingles?
The first step in treating shingles is to take medication and receive a vaccine. The second step is to avoid close contact with people who are infected with shingles. Close contact means anything that could spread the disease, like touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
If you have shingles, you should return to work when you feel well enough and are no longer contagious. You can get the Shingrix vaccine any time after the shingles rash has gone away. It is important to see your doctor if you think you have shingles so they can prescribe medication to help with the pain and itching, and to prevent complications. You should also avoid exposure to sunlight and wind, and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids. If you develop a fever, swollen lymph nodes, or new eye pain, contact your provider immediately.
Who’s at Risk for Shingles?
Anyone can get shingles, but people who are more likely to get the disease include:
- People over 65 years old
- People with a history of chickenpox
- People with a weakened immune system due to cancer treatment or AIDS
- Pregnant women
Can Shingles Cause Chronic Pain?
Yes, shingles can cause chronic pain.
Chronic pain after shingles may be due to inflammation of one or more nerves in the spinal cord or face. This might occur because of damage done to these nerves by the VZV rash itself, or because of an underlying medical condition such as multiple sclerosis (MS).
Symptoms of shingles include fever, headache, fatigue, pain behind your eyes and on one side of your head, sensitivity to light and noise, poor vision in one eye or partial blindness in one eye due to fluid accumulation inside your eye(s), sore throat with fever and swollen glands near your voice box called laryngeal edema , seizures , numbness/tingling sensations down one side of your body, and difficulty with speaking or swallowing.
Early treatment is important for reducing the risk of chronic pain after shingles. Treatment includes antiviral drugs to reduce the severity of the rash, pain relief medications, and antibiotics if there is an infection.
Shingles Vaccine
A shingles vaccine is a vaccine that helps protect you from getting shingles. Shingles is a rare but painful condition caused by the herpes zoster virus (HZV). The virus attacks the nerves in your skin and can cause pain, itching, and blisters on your face or other parts of your body. A shingles vaccine can help prevent you from developing this disease. There’s no cure for shingles, but there are treatments available to help relieve symptoms.
Who Should Not Get the Vaccine?
The shingles vaccine is available for people of all ages and has been found to be very effective in preventing the disease. However, because it’s possible for anyone to contract shingles (even if they’ve never had chickenpox), it’s important that everyone who might be at risk receives the vaccine.
Some people who should not get vaccinated include pregnant women (because chickenpox can cause birth defects), those allergic to chickenpox (because it can cause serious reactions such as anaphylaxis), and people with severe asthma or other respiratory illnesses (because they’re more likely to have complications from shingles).
Children younger than 6 months old and people who are allergic to chickenpox or any of its ingredients should also not get the vaccine.